NOTE: following PayPal's decision to stop any adult-related services, I have had to discontinue the web shop for a while. Once I sort out a new payment processor I will put a new shopping cart system in place. In the meantime, if you want to purchase anything, please Email me

Sizes: A4 is approx. 8.3" x 11.7" / 21cm x 30 cm) and A3 is approx 11.7" x 16.5" / 30 cm x 42 cm.

Click on the thumbnail image to see a higher resolution version.

Ashley Renee 1

original: approx A4 pencil on watercolour paper

Purchase original: $300

Purchase A4 print: $40

Ashley has smouldering dark looks more suited to an Evil Queen or a wanton dancing girl than a coy bondagette. And yet, those who are lucky enough to know her say she is playful and extremely submissive.

Ashley has invited me to go out to Los Angeles to work with her- how could I refuse? You will be seeing a lot more of Ashley after that trip!

She has her own website at

Ashley Renee 2

original: approx A3 pencil on watercolour paper

Purchase original: $500

Purchase A4 print: $40

Purchase A3 print: $80


rights to the image, we will have to negotiate.

Comments or suggestions to Hywel Phillips (